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Be Brave & Create_ Winter.png

My next "Be Brave & Create: Winter" class will begin in January, 2020 (are we seriously about to enter 2020!?!?!) and will last through May, 2020.


We will do many amazing art projects with a wide variety of art mediums, all the while growing creative confidence and a sense of artistic wonder.



In past "Be Brave & Create" classes, we have:

-learned to sew on the sewing machine

-experimented with resin

-created with alcohol inks

-painted with acrylic & watercolor paints

-use oil pastels

-build with wood/cardboard/other items

-make slime

-use hammers & nails to make string art on wood

-paint artwork on wood slices

-mold with a variety of clays (air dry, Sculpey baking clay, etc) 

-jewelry design

-clothing design

-fabric dying

-make wall hangings with a variety of textiles

-paper mache

-self portraits

and SOO much more!



We're always trying new things that are interesting and different from normal crafts they experience at school/church/home!


My goal is to allow them to experience new mediums. To give them a direction to head in, but let them decide how they want their masterpiece to look.


Each child is SO incredibly artistic in their own unique ways. In fact, we ALL are!


Giving them a safe place to seek out what THEY like and what looks appealing to THEM is my passion.


I do not "fix" their work to make it look "better". I do not limit the colors they can use or deny their imaginations the possibilities.



Here's a perfect little story explaining what I mean.


While painting an octopus in my studio one day, an artist wanted to paint flowers and a sunshine under the water. Another artist sitting next to her said, "There aren't flowers and sunshines under the ocean! You can't do that!" That was the perfect opportunity to talk about expressing their own ideas and stories and being creative.



Why, a story about an octopus with a flower garden in the sunshine under the ocean sounds like a pretty good premise for a children's book, to me!




If you know someone between the ages of 6-13 who enjoys making colorful messes and experimenting with lots of different art projects, they just might enjoy the art classes here at Little Wildflowers Art Studio!



But enough words from me... I could go on forever! See some of the past pictures for yourself.


PS: I have THOUSANDS more! Just email me if you'd like to see them!! :)


I'm offering 2 different classes for 2 different age groups:


Ages 6-9 (boys & girls) come on THURSDAY's from 4:00-6:00pm*

Ages 10-13 (boys & girls) come on FRIDAY's from 4:00-6:00pm*


*check calendar of dates below for specific dates, as some weeks are skipped for holidays and school closings!




Calendar of Dates by age group:


ages 6-9:

January 9, 16, 23, 30,

February 6, 20, 27,

March 5, 12, 19,

April 2, 9, 23, 30,

May 7, 14.

All classes are from 4:00-6:00pm.

Makeup dates: February 13, March 26, May 21.


ages 10-13:

January 10, 17, 24, 31,

February 7, 21, 28,

March 6, 13, 20,

April 3, 10, 24,

May 1, 8, 15.

All classes are from 4:00-6:00pm.

Makeup dates: February 14, March 27, May 22.



The total investment for this class is $600.

You can break this up into monthly payments of $120, or 2 payments of $300 each.

The first payment holds your artist's space.


Here's what I mean:

if you're breaking it up into monthly installments of $120, the first $120 payment is due at registration. If you're breaking up into 2 payments of $300, the first $300 is due at registration. If you do not want to set up payment plans on my website and you're rather pay with cash or check, you're welcome to Venmo me (@morganvuyovich) or mail a check to me. Please ask for my mailing address if this is your plan.


If you'd like to pay with cash or check at the first class of each month, please fill out the required registration information and type "CASH" as the coupon code. It's a 100% coupon and it will not ask for your card number.

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